Genetic Link for Prostate Cancer

A homeobox transcription gene in endoplasmic reticulum
With all the controversy regarding prostate cancer screening and the use of PSA, it is good news to hear that research published earlier this year is giving us something similar to BRAC in breast cancer.

Men were 5 times more likely to develop early prostate cancer if they had mutation in the HOXB13 gene. About 3% of men who had early prostate cancer also had the mutation. While this number sounds low, I think it is an important marker, which could help identify patients who should be subject to screening.

In addition, it would be interesting to see if there is anything that could be done to the mutation as a sort of preventive therapy.
In San Antonio, we have seen a definite increase in interest in predictive tests for prostate cancer. A genetic test would be great to help identify patients who would be candidates for treatment with a robotic radical prostatectomy.